Wildlife and Environmental Education Unit

We are currently working in a program called Wildlife and Environmental Education Unit (UVISEA). In these Units, specific strategies are developed according to the needs of the socio-environmental environment where they are established.

The first UVISEA is in the Natural Protected Area (NPA) of Scenic, Historical and Cultural Value "San Juan Bautista Tabi and annex Sacnicté", which has an area of 1,355 hectares. Because of its forest cover and the level of vegetation restoration, Tabi is an important recharge site for the region and has enormous potential to produce environmental services; it is the basis for conservation and preservation of biocultural resources.

Wildlife monitoring

At UVISEA we carry out wildlife monitoring, generating information that allows us to keep updated the faunistic and floristic lists of the reserve, as well as the socioeconomic aspects, which allow us to evaluate the progress, effectiveness and impact generated by the execution of the Management Program of the Natural Protected Area (NPA).

Wildlife recovery and reproduction center

In areas near Tabi, potential human-jaguar conflict zones have been identified (Chávez and Zarza, 2009). Other key species in the ecosystem have also been lost due to human activities, including illegal trade. Hence the importance of having a wildlife rescue center, and the reproduction of species such as white-tailed deer, peccary and ocellated turkey to carry out controlled releases in strategic areas.



Production of plants for reforestation of the territory

Reversing deforestation is a key element in climate change mitigation since the presence of forest cover helps reduce the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. UVISEA -Tabi has a nursery where native plants are produced, and as part of our efforts we carry out reforestation within the natural area and in surrounding areas identified as priorities.

Agro-ecological vegetable and fruit production

At UVISEA-TABI we develop cornfields, vegetables, and fruit trees with state-of-the-art organic agricultural production techniques; based on the replication of fertile forest and jungle soils, with the use of natural microorganisms; limiting the use of agrochemicals and conventional methods of soil preparation.

Extension Programs

Through the extension program, we seek to strengthen the skills of individuals, families, and communities in general to undertake training, transformation and project development initiatives that facilitate the improvement of living conditions and quality of life at the individual, family and social levels in the communities located in the reserve's area of influence.